Cure Panic Attacks The Simple Way.- By: Riley West

Description : My first panic attack appeared, out of the blue, while I was in line to get on an airplane. I was headed to my hometown in Oregon.

The panic attack was not caused by my fear of flying! I didn t have any fear of flying.

You see, I was a pilot, and still am. In those early 80 s I flew my own aircraft and I really liked it!

The panic attack just started taking me over! When I got to the boarding door I was a sweaty wreck and planning to get off that plane! I felt insane and a bit embarrassed.

The plane didn t scare me...I was just ripping with fear in general. I feared I was losing it. I couldn t take the idea that I had to sit in that little seat with people around me. I had fallen into my own secret world of fear and I was baffled. Knowing this was bad, I took my seat.

I hung my head down and wouldn t look at anybody. The sweat kept coming, I felt sick, and I felt crazy enough to jump. I could have benefited greatly from a way to cure panic attacks.

I knew I had never felt this way before! A secret hell had occupied my space and I didn t like it! I just wanted to feel normal again.

After we got on the ground in oregon I ran straight for the bar! I ordered a double whisky, and maybe another! I just wanted to change they way I felt. The whisky had a strong effect and I calmed down.

Alcohol is not a good way to cure panic attacks. Take it from me!

In the weeks, months and years after this I had many more panic attacks. My attacks were mostly centered around my fear of business meetings and the thought that I would appear crazy to my associates.

I studied at the library and bookstore and I found out about anxiety and how to cure panic attacks but this was in the early 80 s. No computer. No internet.

I began to put together an idea for a way to cure panic attacks. It had been five years and going on six. Then, one day, in the span of a couple of minutes, encountered yet another panic attack, only this time I threw it out.

I was mad, as in angry, and when a panic attack tried to sneak into my consciousness, I just couldn t take it anymore. I threw a fit.

I sort of looked at the pernicious panic attack and steeled myself. I had come to envision these horrible bouts of what felt like insanity and the panic attack itself as an evil entity

With a loud voice I said You are outta here! You have been wrecking my life and it stops now. I have struggled with you many times and I have never died or even been hurt. I m not afraid of you anymore and you can t touch me! And it was the end. I never had another attack.

In the years following this harrowing six year period I came to understand what had happened and how I finally prevailed. I had become unafraid. And becoming unafraid is the best way to cure panic attacks

These days, the professionals that deal with this know that the way to cure panic attacks is simply put. One just has to get over the fear of a returning attack.

There are prescribed instructions to lead you to become unafraid of these attacks. After you don t have the fear you have a cure for panic attacks.

My wish is that you do this soon. Why put it off?

You can get your life back and it can be a lot easier than you might have thought.

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Author Resource : If you want to get your life back and start living again go to Riley West's blog at and see why so many people got their Simple Cure For Panic Attacks here. And whatever you do, don't miss the great collection of personal stories at that same blog!